All versions of Pose are now deprecated.
Popmotion Pure 9 introduces some breaking changes - here's how to upgrade!
The new inertia animation allows the creation of physics-based sliders and scroll views
Pose previously used special properties to animate custom components. 4.0 simplifies this by enforcing forwardRef.
An introduction to the declarative animation library for Vue
A look at the latest Pose features, changes, and a hint of what's next
A look at the latest Pose features, changes, and a hint of what's next
A quick overview of what's new in Pose and React Pose 2.0, and how to migrate
In specific situations, iOS throttles rAF to 30fps. Here's when, and why it's wrong.
Popmotion 8 is a functional, reactive approach to animation.
How to upgrade Popmotion 7 to 8
From browser vendors to front end developers, everyone is implicated in the state of the mobile web.
Why does existence hurt so much
Why I settled on easeOut for Popmotion's default easing, and why easeInOut sucks for interfaces