Install Popmotion

Package managers


npm install popmotion --save


yarn add popmotion

File include

Note: The Popmotion documentation uses the import syntax for importing individual modules.

If you use one of the following installation methods, Popmotion will be available on the global popmotion variable.

So, when you see in the docs import { tween } from 'popmotion', you will use const { tween } = popmotion instead.


You can download the latest version of Popmotion at

script include:

Or include it directly in your HTML with this script tag:

<script src=""></script>


You can fork the Popmotion playground on CodePen, which is set up with the latest version of Popmotion.

You an also add Popmotion to any existing CodePen project by clicking on Settings > JavaScript and then pasting into the “Add External JavaScript” field.