
React Native Pose exports a single function, posed.

import posed from 'react-native-pose';

Posed components

posed is a factory function that creates posed components. These are components configured with a series of states that it can animate between and other options.

We can use posed to create three different kinds of posed component:

  • Included components (ie posed.View)
  • Custom components
  • Function as child components

Included components

React Animated ships with four animatable components: View, Text, Image and ScrollView.

Likewise, posed has shortcuts for each of these components:

  • posed.View(config)
  • posed.Text(config)
  • posed.Image(config)
  • posed.ScrollView(config)

Custom components

Animated also has a helper function that you can use to create animated components from any normal component: createAnimatedComponent(Component).

If posed is called as a function, it can also create an animated component from any other:


This makes posed.View practically the same as posed(View).

Function as children components

By creating posed components with the previous two methods, React Native Pose will automatically handle the application of the generated Animated.Values.

In return for this simplicity, you lose a little flexibility. For instance, you don’t get to choose the transform order, and you can’t create arbitrary values (as they all get applied as styles).

By calling posed as a function without any Component, the returned posed component will use the “function as children pattern” to provide the Animated.Values to children:

const PosedComponent = posed()({
  open: { x: 0, scaleY: 1 },
  closed: { x: 100, scaleY: 0 }

export default ({ isOpen }) => (
  <PosedComponent pose={isOpen ? 'open': 'closed'}>
    {({ x, scaleY }) => (
      <Animated.View style={{ transform: [{ translateX: x }, { scaleY }] }} />



pose?: string | string[]

The name of one or more poses to set to.


initialPose?: string | string[]

The name of one or more poses to set to before the component mounts. Once the component mounts, it will transition from this pose into pose.


poseKey?: string | number

If poseKey changes, it’ll force the posed component to transition to the current pose, even if it hasn’t changed.

This won’t be required for the majority of use-cases. But we might have something like a paginated where we pass the x offset to the component but the pose itself doesn’t change:

const Slider = posed.View({
  nextItem: {
    x: ({ target }) => target

({ target }) => <Slider pose="nextItem" poseKey={target} target={target} />


onDragStart/onDragEnd?: (e: NativeEvent, gestureState: GestureState) => any

Lifecycle callbacks for drag events. Provided the same arguments as PanResponder’s lifecycle events.


withParent?: boolean = true

If explicitly set to false, this posed component will become a new root for any posed children components.


values?: { [key: string]: Animated.Value }

Optional way of providing the posed component the Animated.Values rather than letting it create them itself. In case you want to retain ownership for whatever reason.