Supported values


Any value that contains a number or color, or multiple numbers and colors, is animatable.

Pose doesn’t need specific support for a value to animate it. The only limitation is that if you’re animating a complex value like CSS’s background-image or SVG’s d, the non-animating parts of the value must match.

For instance, from 'linear-gradient(to bottom, #1e5799 0%, #7db9e8 100%)' you could animate to 'linear-gradient(to bottom, #D32A2D 25%, #FF3236 75%);', but not to 'linear-gradient(to top, #D32A2D 25%, #000 50%, #FF3236 75%);'


Enhanced values

Pose has enhanced support for x, y, width, height, top, left, right and bottom values.

All of these can be animated between different value units, for instance x could be animated like so:

  closed: { x: 0 },
  open: { x: '100vw' }

They can also be animated with calc():

  closed: { x: 0 },
  open: { x: 'calc(50vw - 50%)' }

width and height specifically can also be animated to and from 'auto'.


Transform values can be animated as separate values:

  • x, y, z,
  • rotate, rotateX, rotateY, rotateZ,
  • scale, scaleX, scaleY, scaleZ,
  • skewX, skewY,
  • perspective


All SVG attributes like fill and stroke can be animated, and Pose attempts to replace the confusing SVG transformation model with CSS.

Path drawing

Path drawing is the process of animating stroke-dasharray and stroke-dashoffset to emulate a pen drawing a line. This blog post explains the effect in more detail.

Path drawing works with these properties works with circle, ellipse, path, polygon, polyline, rect and text SVG elements.

But for path, there’s three special properties:

  • pathLength
  • pathSpacing
  • pathOffset

These are all set as a percentage of the total path length, from 0 to 100, which is automatically measured by Pose.

So you can define an animation from 0 to 100:

  empty: { pathLength: 0 },
  fill: { pathLength: 100 }

Automatic animations

Every value, if no transition prop is defined, will have an animation automatically generated for it.

Currently, these are:


Translation and rotational transforms use an overdamped spring that retain any existing velocity and incorporate that into the next animation.

This gives the animation a playful, snappy and robust feel.

  type: 'spring',
  stiffness: 500,
  damping: 25,
  restDelta: 0.5,
  restSpeed: 10


Scale transforms use an overdamped spring that ensure that scale isn’t inverted.

  type: 'spring',
  stiffness: 700,
  damping: to === 0 ? 100 : 35


Opacity uses a linear easing tween. Opacity looks odd when eased, so we transition straight from one to the other.

  ease: 'linear'

Everything else

All other properties use Popmotion Pure’s default tween settings.

In the future it’ll be possible to define automatic animations by defining the type of interface you wish to have (ie ‘confident’, ‘playfull’ etc).

In the nearer future we’ll intelligently combine automatic animations to ensure they all finish at the same time.