
posed is used to create animated and interactive components that you can reuse throughout your Vue site.


import posed from 'vue-pose';


Create a posed component

posed can be used to create posed HTML and SVG elements.

It isn’t called directly, instead we call it via the name of the element we want to create, along with a posed component config.

  <Box :pose="isVisible ? 'visible' : 'hidden'" />

import posed from 'vue-pose';

export default {
  props: ['isVisible'],
  components: {
    Box: posed.div({
      visible: { opacity: 1 },
      hidden: { opacity: 0 }

Every HTML and SVG element is supported.

Set a pose

Poses can be set via the pose property.

  <Box :pose="isVisible ? 'visible' : 'hidden'" />


Using a posed component creates a new tree of posed components. Any children that are also posed components are automatically added to this tree.

This means that orchestrating animations through React trees becomes trivial, as a pose only has to be set on a parent. Any children with that pose defined will also animate:

  <Sidebar :pose="isVisible ? 'visible' : 'hidden'">
      <Item v-for={item in items} v-bind:key={item} />

import posed from 'vue-pose';

export default {
  props: ['isVisible', 'items'],
  components: {
    Sidebar: posed.nav({
      open: { x: '0%', staggerChildren: 100 },
      closed: { x: '-100%' }
    Item: posed.li({
      open: { opacity: 1 },
      closed: { opacity: 0 }


Posed components return regular HTML elements, so they can be used with any CSS styling solution.



pose?: string

The name of the current pose.


preEnterPose?: string

The name of a pose to set before the component mounts. If present, once the component mounts it will transition from this pose into pose.


poseKey?: string | number

If poseKey changes, it’ll force the posed component to transition to the current pose, even if it hasn’t changed.

This won’t be required for the majority of use-cases. But we might have something like a paginated where we pass the x offset to the component but the pose itself doesn’t change:

  <Slider pose="nextItem" :poseKey="target" :target="target" >

import posed from 'vue-pose';

export default {
  props: ['target'],
  components: {
    Slider: posed.div({
      nextItem: {
        x: ({ target }) => target


withParent?: boolean = true

If set to false, this component won’t subscribe to its parent posed component and create root for any further child components.


onPoseComplete?: Function

A callback that fires whenever a pose has finished transitioning.


onValueChange?: { [key: string]: any }

onValueChange is a map of functions, each corresponding to a value being animated by the posed component and will fire when that value changes.


...props: { [key: string]: any }

When a new pose is entered, any remaining props set on a component will be used to resolve that pose’s dynamic props:

      v-for={item in items}
      :pose="isVisible ? 'visible' : 'hidden'"

import posed from 'vue-pose';

export default {
  props: ['isVisible', 'items'],
  components: {
    Item: posed.li({
      visible: { opacity: 1 },
      hidden: {
        opacity: 0,
        y: ({ i }) => i * 50


The following events can be subscribed to with v-on:


drag-start/drag-end: (e: Event) => void

Callbacks that fire when dragging starts or ends. Note: These props are immutable and can’t be changed after mounting.


press-start/press-end: (e: Event) => void

Callbacks that fire when pressing starts or ends. Note: These props are immutable and can’t be changed after mounting.