React Pose has been deprecated in favour of Framer Motion. Read the upgrade guide

Config options

Options to configure posed components in React Pose.



draggable?: true | 'x' | 'y'

If true, will make the element draggable on both axis. Setting to either 'x' or 'y' will restrict movement to that axis.

If defined, allows use of the special drag pose for styling the element while dragging is active.

A dragEnd pose can be optionally set for animating on drag end.

const config = {
  draggable: 'x',
  init: { scale: 1 },
  drag: { scale: 1.2 }

The drag and dragEnd poses will travel through any posed children.


dragBounds?: { [key: string]: number } | (props: Props) => { [key: string]: number }

An object that defines top, right, bottom and/or left drag boundaries in pixels.

Currently, these boundaries are enforced by a hard clamp.


hoverable?: boolean

If true, this element will receive hover poses when a pointer hovers over it.

There’s also an optional hoverEnd pose, for providing a different pose when hovering ends.

const config = {
  hoverable: true,
  init: { scale: 1 },
  hover: { scale: 1.2 }

The hover and hoverEnd poses will travel through any posed children.


focusable?: boolean

If true, this element will receive focus poses when the element receives focus, and blur poses when it loses focus.

const config = {
  focusable: true,
  init: { scale: 1 },
  focus: { scale: 1.2 },
  blur: {
    scale: 1,
    transition: {
      type: 'spring',
      stiffness: 800


pressable?: boolean

If true, this element will receive press poses when the element is pressed, and optionally pressEnd when pressing stops.

const config = {
  pressable: true,
  init: { scale: 1 },
  press: { scale: 0.8 }


passive: { [key: string]: PassiveValue }

type PassiveValue = [
  subscribedKey: string,
  transform: (subscribedValue: any) => any,
  fromParent?: true | string

Map of values that are passively changed when other values, either on this Poser or an ancestor, change.

fromParent can be set either as true or as a string:

  • true: Link to value from immediate parent.
  • string: Link to the nearest ancestor with this label prop.


The transform function here is composed with Popmotion transformers:

const config = {
  draggable: 'x',
  passive: {
    backgroundColor: ['x', pipe(
      clamp(0, 300),
      interpolate([0, 300], [0, 1]),
      blendColor('#f00', '#0f0')


label: string

Set a label on this poser. Currently, this allows a passive value on a child poser to refer to this ancestor value.


props: { [key: string]: any }

Default properties to provide to entered pose transition methods and dynamic pose props. These can be overridden by providing props to the posed component.


...poses: { [key: string]: Pose }

Any other config props will be treated as poses (see Pose config).


You can call a pose anything, and animate to it by setting <PosedComponent pose="poseName" /> (or multiple poses with an array).

A pose is defined by style attributes like x or backgroundColor, and the following optional props:


delay?: number | (props: Props) => number

A duration, in milliseconds, to delay this transition. Does not affect children.


delayChildren?: number | (props: Props) => number

A duration, in milliseconds, to delay the transition of direct children.


flip?: boolean = false

If true, will convert this animation to a FLIP animation.


staggerChildren?: number | (props: Props) => number

A duration, in milliseconds, between transitioning each children.


staggerDirection?: 1 | -1 | (props: Props) => 1 | -1

If 1, staggers from the first child to the last. If -1, from last to first.


beforeChildren?: boolean | (props: Props) => boolean

If true, will ensure this animation completes before firing any child animations.


afterChildren?: boolean | (props: Props) => boolean

If true, will ensure this animation only fires after all child animations have completed.


applyAtStart/applyAtEnd?: { [string]: any | (props: Props) => any }

applyAtStart and applyAtEnd accept style properties to apply either at the start or end of an animation.

For instance, you might have an element that you want to flip between display: block before it fades in, and display: none after it fades out:

const config = {
  visible: {
    applyAtStart: { display: 'block' },
    opacity: 1
  hidden: {
    applyAtEnd: { display: 'none' },
    opacity: 0



The transition prop can be used to create custom transitions.

It can be set as a transition definition:

transition: { type: 'spring' }

A function that returns a transition definition or a Popmotion animation:

transition: (props) => spring({...props})
transition: (props) => ({ type: 'spring' })

Or finally, a named map, where a separate transition is defined for each animating value. default can be used to define a transition for all remaining values.

visible: {
  x: 0,
  opacity: 1,
  transition: {
    x: { type: 'spring' },
    default: (props) => tween(props)

Transition definitions

A transition definition describes the type of animation Pose should use to transition to the value defined in the Pose.

There are many types, and each has its own specific configuration props available.

Tween (default)

Transitions between one value and another over a set duration of time.

  • duration?: number = 300: Total duration of animation, in milliseconds.
  • elapsed?: number = 0: Duration of animation already elapsed, in milliseconds.
  • ease?: string | number[] | Function: The name of an easing function, a cubic bezier definition (as an array of numbers), or an easing function. The following easings are included with Pose:
    • ‘linear’
    • ‘easeIn’, ‘easeOut’, ‘easeInOut’
    • ‘circIn’, ‘circOut’, ‘circInOut’
    • ‘backIn’, ‘backOut’, ‘backInOut’
    • ‘anticipate’
  • loop?: number = 0: Number of times to loop animation.
  • flip?: number = 0: Number of times to flip animation.
  • yoyo?: number = 0: Number of times to reverse tween.

A spring animation based on stiffness, damping and mass.

  • type: 'spring': Set transition to spring.
  • stiffness?: number = 100: Spring stiffness.
  • damping?: number = 10: Strength of opposing force.
  • mass?: number = 1.0: Mass of the moving object.
  • restDelta?: number = 0.01: End animation if distance to to is below this value and restSpeed is true.
  • restSpeed?: number = 0.01: End animation if speed drops below this value and restDelta is true.

Integrated simulation of velocity, acceleration, friction and springs.

  • type: 'physics': Set transition to physics.
  • acceleration?: number = 0: Increase velocity by this amount every second.
  • restSpeed?: number = 0.001: When absolute speed drops below this value, complete is fired.
  • friction?: number = 0: Amount of friction to apply per frame, from 0 to 1.
  • springStrength?: number = 0: If set with to, will spring towards target with this strength.

Keyframes accepts an array of values and will animate between each in sequence.

Timing is defined with a combination of duration, easings and times properties.

  • type: 'keyframes': Set transition to keyframes.
  • values: number[]: An array of numbers to animate between. To use the value defined in the Pose as the final target value, set transition as a function: transition: ({ to }) => { type: 'keyframes', values: [0, to] }
  • duration?: number = 300: Total duration of animation, in milliseconds.
  • easings?: Easing | Easing[]: An array of easing functions for each generated tween, or a single easing function applied to all tweens. This array should be values.length - 1. Defaults to easeOut. (This doesn’t yet support named easings)
  • times?: number[]: An array of numbers between 0 and 1, representing 0 to duration, that represent at which point each number should be hit. Defaults to an array of evenly-spread durations will be calculated.
  • elapsed?: number = 0: Duration of animation already elapsed, in milliseconds.
  • ease?: Easing = easeOut: A function, given a progress between 0 and 1, that returns a new progress value. Used to affect the rate of playback across the duration of the animation. (This doesn’t yet support named easings)
  • loop?: number = 0: Number of times to loop animation.
  • flip?: number = 0: Number of times to flip animation.
  • yoyo?: number = 0: Number of times to reverse tween.

decay exponentially decelerates a number and velocity to an automatically generated target value. This target can be modified by the user.

This animation is particularly useful for implementing momentum scrolling.

  • type: 'decay': Set transition to decay.
  • power?: number = 0.8: A constant with which to calculate a target value. Higher power = further target. 0.8 should be okay.
  • timeConstant?: number = 350: Adjusting the time constant will change the duration of the deceleration, thereby affecting its feel.
  • restDelta?: number = 0.5: Automatically completes the action when the calculated value is this far away from the target.
  • modifyTarget?: (v: number) => number: A function that receives the calculated target and returns a new one. Useful for snapping the target to a grid, for example.
General transition props

The following props can be set on any transition:

  • from?: number | Color: Start value of animation (overrides Pose-generated value).
  • to?: number | Color: End value of animation (overrides Pose-generated value).
  • velocity?: number: Initial velocity of animation (overrides Pose-generated value).
  • delay?: number: Delay the execution of the transition by this amount of time (in milliseconds).
  • min?: number: Restrict output to numbers larger than this.
  • max?: number: Restrict output to numbers smaller than this.
  • round?: boolean: If true, output numbers will be rounded.

Transition props

If set as a function, transition receives the same user-defined props as other dynamic pose properties, with some generated by Pose:

type TransitionsProps = {
  from: any,
  to: any,
  velocity: number,
  key: string,
  prevPoseKey: string
  • from: The current state of the value
  • velocity: The current velocity of the value, if it’s a number
  • to: The state we’re animating to, as defined in the current pose. Note: You’re under no obligation to actually animate to this value (for instance for non-deterministic animations)
  • key: The name of the value
  • prevPoseKey: The name of the pose this value was previously in.


...values: any | (props: Props) => any

Any remaining properties are treated as stylistic values and will be animated.