Dynamic pose props

Each pose property can be set as a function that resolves when the pose is entered:

const Box = posed.div({
  visible: {
    x: 0,
    y: (props) => 100, // Resolved on `visible` enter
    transition: {
      x: { type: 'tween' },
      y: (props) => ({ type: 'spring' }) // Resolved on `visible` enter

By using the provided props argument, this allows us to create dynamic properties that will react to changes in your app.


So what are props? In Pose for Vue, they’re any taken from any non-prop attributes set on the posed component.

For instance, you could use a component’s i index attribute to write a dynamic delay prop:

const Component = {
  components: {
    Item: posed.li({
      visible: {
        opacity: 1,
        transition: ({ i }) => ({ delay: i * 50 })
  template: `<ul>
    :pose="isVisible ? 'visible' : 'hidden'"
    v-for="item in items"

Transition props

transition works a little differently than other pose props.

If set as a function, the function is run once each for every property being animated.

That function is provided a few extra props, automatically generated by Pose:

  • from: The current state of this value
  • to: The target state defined in the pose
  • velocity: If a numerical value, the current velocity of the value
  • key: The name of the current value
  • prevPoseKey: The name of the pose this value was previously set to

These props can be used to return a different transition definition based on the state of the value:

const Sidebar = posed.div({
  open: {
    x: '-100%',
    transition: ({ velocity, to }) => velocity < 0
      ? { to: 0 }
      : { to }

If transition is a named map, some or all of these can be defined as functions:

const Sidebar = posed.div({
  open: {
    x: 0,
    opacity: 1,
    transition: {
      x: ({ velocity, to }) => velocity < 0 ? { to: -300 } : { to },
      opacity: { type: 'spring' }