
Stylers are performant style setters for HTML and SVG elements, optimised to work with animation libraries.

They batch updates to a single step on the Framesync render loop, preventing layout thrashing and unnecessary renders.

They also allow transform properties to be set and animated independently.

The styler factory function is used to create a new styler for a single element or window.



import styler from 'stylefire';

Create a styler

const div = document.querySelector('div');
const divStyler = styler(div);

Set style properties

The set method is used to schedule an update on the next render step.

divStyler.set({ x: 100 });

Stylers understand default property types for many CSS and SVG props. So even though we just set x as 100, Stylefire will output transform: translateX(100px).

Forced render

Sometimes we need to force a render outside of the render loop. For instance, if we want to set some properties and then immediately measure the state of the element.

We can do so with the render method:

divStyler.set({ width: 'auto' });

Get style property

The get method can be used to read individual properties:

const div = document.querySelector('path');
const pathStyler = styler(path);

Note: Due to the considerable filesize overhead in reading CSS transform properties, Stylefire will return the default value for any transform properties unless they’ve already been set.



Sets one or multiple properties, and schedules a render for the next available render step.

set(props: {}): this
set(key: string, prop: any): this


Returns the value of the provided key.

get(key: string): any


Immediately render, without waiting for the next frame.

render(): this