
Easing functions make tweened motion look more natural by emulating the changes in velocity experienced by objects in the real world.

They work by accepting a progress value from 0 to 1, and returning a new one.

Popmotion comes with a number of preset easing functions, and provides methods to create new easing functions.


import { easing } from 'popmotion';

To use Popmotion’s easing functions with a different animation library, they’re available from the @popmotion/easing package:

npm install @popmotion/easing
import { linear } from '@popmotion/easing';


import { tween, easing } from 'popmotion';

  ease: easing.easeOut


Popmotion comes with the following preset easing functions:

  • cubicBezier
  • linear
  • easeIn, easeOut, easeInOut
  • circIn, circOut, circInOut
  • backIn, backOut, backInOut
  • anticipate

Try them out by editing this live example:

Live editor

const ball = document.querySelector('#b .ball');
const ballStyler = styler(ball);

  to: 300,
  duration: 300,
  ease: easing.linear

Easing creation

Popmotion provides the following functions to create your own easing functions:


Creates cubic bezier curve easing function.

const { cubicBezier } = easing;
const longTail = cubicBezier(0, .42, 0, 1);


Accepts an easing function and returns a new one that reverses the provided one.

For instance, an easeIn would become an easeOut.

const { anticipate, reversed } = easing;
const anticipateOut = reversed(anticipate);


Accepts an easing function and returns a new one that mirrors the provided one.

For instance, an easeIn would become an easeInOut.

const { anticipate, mirrored } = easing;
const anticipateInOut = mirrored(anticipate);


Creates an easing function based on the exponent function progress ** exponent. easeIn is createExpoIn(2).

const { createExpoIn } = easing;
const strongerEaseIn = createExpoIn(3);


Creates an easing function with an overshoot. backIn is createBackIn(1.525).

const { createBackIn, reversed } = easing;
const strongerBackOut = reversed(createBackIn(3));


Creates an easing function with a small anticipate and ease out. anticipate is createAnticipateEasing(1.525).

const { createAnticipateEasing } = easing;
const strongerAnticipate = createAnticipateEasing(3);