
listen creates DOM event listeners as an action stream.


import { listen } from 'popmotion';


To listen to an event, provide a DOM element and an event name to listen:

listen(document, 'mousemove')
  .start((e) => console.log(e));

Multiple events

Multiple events can be subscribed to by providing a space-delimited string:

listen(document, 'touchstart touchend')

Chainable actions

The primary benefit of using listen is passing each event through the chainable actions like filter. For instance, here’s an event listener that only fires when two or more touches are detected:

const onMultitouch = listen(document, 'touchstart')
  .filter(({ touches }) => touches.length > 1);

onMultitouch.start((e) => ...);


listen optionally accepts a third argument of options:

type EventOpts = boolean | {
  capture?: boolean;
  passive?: boolean;
  once?: boolean;

listen(element: Element, eventNames: string, opts?: EventOpts): Action


Action methods

listen() returns:

  • filter((v: any) => boolean): Returns a new action that filters out values when the provided function returns false.
  • pipe(...funcs: Array<(v) => v): Returns a new action that will run update values through this sequence of functions.
  • start(update | { update, complete }): Starts the action and returns a subscription.
  • while((v: any) => boolean): Returns a new action that will complete when the provided function returns false.

Subscription methods

listen().start() returns:

  • stop(): void