
An animation decelerates a value based on its initial velocity, usually used to implement inertial scrolling.

Optionally, min and max boundaries can be defined, and inertia will snap to these with a spring animation.

This animation will automatically precalculate a target value, which can be modified with the modifyTarget property. This allows you to add snap-to-grid or similar functionality.


import { inertia } from 'popmotion';


Provide a velocity and from value, and inertia will automatically calculate a target and decelerate towards it.

inertia({ velocity: 200, from: 50 })
  .start(v => console.log(v))

We can adjust the calculated target value with the modifyTarget prop.

This is a function that accepts the calculated target and returns a new one. For instance, we can snap the target to the nearest 100 like so:

  velocity: 200,
  from: 50,
  modifyTarget: v => Math.round(v / 100) * 100

We can also set min and/or max boundaries:

  velocity: 500,
  from: 50,
  max: 1000

When the animated value breaches max, it’ll snap to max using a spring animation.


The following properties may be passed to inertia:


Initial velocity to decelerate from.

Default: 0


Start value of the animation.

Default: 0


A function that receives the calculated target and returns a new one. Useful for snapping the target to a grid, for example.

Default: v => v


Stiffness of the bounce animations. Higher values will create more sudden movement.

Default: 500


Strength of opposing force for the bounce animations. If set to 0, spring will oscillate indefinitely.

Default: 10


Higher power = further target.

Default: 0.8


Adjusting the time constant will change the duration of the deceleration, thereby affecting its feel.

Default: 700


Action methods

inertia() returns:


Starts the animation and returns playback controls.

Can be provided either a function:

inertia(props).start(v => {})

Or a named map of functions for update and complete:

  update: v => {},
  complete: () => {}


Returns a new version of the animation, that filters out any value when the provided predicate function returns false:

const filtered = inertia(props).filter(v => v > 0.5)

// This animation will only output values higher than 0.5:
filtered.start(v => {})


Returns a new animation that will pass any output value through this series of functions:

// This animation will round output values and then double them:
inertia({ from: 0, velocity: 1000 })
  .pipe(Math.round, v => v * 2)
  .start(v => {})


Returns a new animation that will complete when the provided predicate function returns false:

// This animation will end when an output value is higher than 0.5:
inertia().while(v => v < 0.5)

Playback methods

inertia().start() starts a new animation and returns the following playback methods:


Stops the animation.
